Tom's Homegrown Hops
XANTHOHUMOL: Antioxidant in hops that helps prevent heart disease, cancer and acts as HRT for menopause.
- Fuggles
Grown: UK, US, and other areas
Profile: Mild, soft, grassy, floral aroma
Usage: Finishing / dry hopping for all ales, dark lagers
Example: Samuel Smith's Pale Ale, Old Peculiar, Thomas Hardy's Ale
AA Range: 3.5 - 5.5%
- Tettnang
Grown: Germany, US
Profile: Fine, spicy aroma
Usage: Finishing for German style beers
Example: Gulpener Pilsener, Sam Adam's Oktoberfest, Anderson Valley ESB, Redhook ESB
AA Range: 3 - 6%
- Willamette
Grown: US
Profile: Mild, spicy, grassy, floral aroma
Usage: Finishing / dry hopping for American / British style ales
Example: Sierra Nevada Porter, Ballard Bitter, Anderson Valley Boont Amber, Redhook ESB
AA Range: 4 - 7%