Three A Day Tripel

Belgian Strong Ale

This is a 2004 BJCP style 18c beer.

Recipe: Belgian Tripel (based on Recipe from January/February 2005 Zymurgy)
Volume: 5 gallons

Activity Log


Heated 5 gallons of water to 168 f in 10 gallon Polarware kettle with false bottom. Mixed in grain and let stand at 152 f for 60 minutes. Added boiling water to mash out at 168 f for 10 minutes. Opened spigot 45 degrees and recycled until relatively clear. Captured 7 gallons into bucket with screen, sparging with 168 f water. Cleaned Polarware kettle and drained 7 gallons from bucket back into it.


Brought to a boil and added corn sugar. Boiled for 30 minutes then added first hops. Boiled for 30 more minutes then added second hops. Boiled for 15 more minutes then added third hops, bitter orange, orange zest, crushed coriander and rehydrated Irish moss. Boiled for 15 more minutes then cooled by running through counterflow chiller into 6.5 gallon carboy containing yeast bed from Two A Day Dubbel taking specific gravity of 1.072 (a bit low due to 5.5 gallons instead of 5). Aerated by rocking on folded towel. Fitted stopper and airlock and placed at 72 f.

Fermentation (target final gravity = 1.020):

Observations of primary stage (14 days @ 72 f) Siphoned to 5 gallon carboy taking specific gravity reading of 1.014. Accidentally rocked on folded towel to mix and slightly aerate thinking it was the Headstrong Dark carboy. One day later, boiled 1 lb of corn sugar in 1.6 L of water and added to carboy. This will bring effective original specific gravity up a bit and provide a bit of dryness.
Observations of secondary stage (14 days @ 70 f) Bottling:

Siphoned into two 2 liter bottles until 4/5 full. Pressurized to 30 lbs/sq in of CO2 and placed in fridge. Took specific gravity reading of 1.011. Effective original gravity after sugar in secondary = 1.080 putting ABV at 9.0%. Boiled 5.1 ounces of corn sugar in 2 cups of water. Cooled and added to bottling bucket. Siphoned 4 gallons into bottling bucket. Filled and capped 40 bottles.

See Three A Day Tripel labels here.
