Fred's Chicago Farmhouse

Biere de Garde (ambree)

This is a 2008 BJCP style 16d beer.

Recipe: Biere de Garde Ambree
This beer is being brewed using an adjunct of toasted, unmalted barley grown in the Chicago back yard garden of my coworker, Fred.
Volume: 5 gallons

Activity Log

Yeast Starter:

One day before the brew, boiled 5 ounces of DME in 5 cups of water for 10 minutes. Let cool, shook to aerate and added yeast. Fitted stopper and airlock and placed at 75 f.


Heated 4.5 gallons of water to 170 f and added grain to obtain 152 f. Let rest for 1 hour. Heated to mash out at 170 f. Sparged with 170 f water to obtain 7 gallons of run-off.


Brought to a boil and added sugar. Boiled for 30 minutes then added first hops. Boiled for 30 more minutes then added second hops. Boiled for 20 more minutes then added third hops, bitter orange and coriander. Boiled for 10 more mintes then removed heat. Cooled through counterflow chiller into 6 gallon carboy. Took specific gravity reading of 1.066. Rocked on folded towel to aerate. Pitched yeast from starter and fitted stopper and airlock. Temperature started at 79 f but opened basement AC vents to allow cooling.


Observations of primary stage Siphoned to 5 gallon carboy taking specfic gravity reading of 1.014. Fitted with airlock and placed at 75 f. Filled 2 liter bottle 4/5 full, pressurized with 30 lb/sq in CO2 and put in fridge to force carbonate.


Boiled 4.5 ounces of corn sugar in 2 cups of water, cooled and added to bottling bucket. Siphoned 4 gallons to bottling bucket taking specfic gravity reading of 1.010 which puts ABV at 7.3%. Filled and capped 39 bottles and placed at 75 f to bottle condition.

See Fred's Chicago Farmhouse labels here.
