Basement Delirium

Belgian Golden Strong Ale

This is a 2004 BJCP style 18d beer.

Recipe: Delirium Tremens Clone
Volume: 5 gallons

Activity Log

Yeast Starter:

About 36 hours before the brew, boiled 5 ounces of DME in 1.5 L of water and cooled. Pitched yeast, fitted with stopper and airlock and placed at 72f.


Heated 4 gallons of water to 160 in mash tun and added grain. Added heat to adjust temperature to 144 and held for 45 minutes. Added gypsum. Added heat to adjust temperature to 158 and held for 30 minutes. Added heat to adjust temperature to 170 and held for 10 minutes. Opened spigot 30 degrees and recirculated runoff until clear. Captured 6 gallons of runoff.


Boiled through break and continued for 30 minutes. Added first hops and boiled for 45 minutes. Added Coriander, Grains of Paradise and Irish Moss and boiled for 10 minutes. Added second hops and boiled for 5 minutes. Cooled with counterflow chiller into carboy. Took specific gravity reading of 1.072. Rocked on folded towel to aerate and pitched yeast. Fitted with stopper and airlock and placed at 72f.


Observations of primary stage (72f) Observations of secondary stage (72f) Bottling:

Boiled 5 ounces of corn sugar in 2 cups of water and let cool. Added sugar solution to bottling bucket and siphoned from 5 gallon carboy into bucket until 2 gallons full. Took specific gravity reading of 1.012. Filled 2 liter bottle 4/5 full, put under 30 lbs/sq in C02 and placed in fridge for forced carbonation. Siponed remainder of 5 gallon carboy into bottling bucket capturing a total of 4.5 gallons. Filled and capped 44 bottles. Placed in fermenting booth at 72f.

See Basement Delirium labels here.
